Dear Society Friends,
I hope the end of 2020 is finding you all safe and healthy, and with some joy in your hearts as we approach a new year. I wanted to share a great opportunity for archaeological discovery next week!
On January 3rd, the Archaeological Institute of America will kick of its 122nd Annual Meeting with Society Sunday. Society Sunday is a special first-of-its-kind that brings together AIA members and the general public for a day of archaeological programming which includes two fantastic public events: an opening lecture and Q&A session with renowned Egyptologist Salima Ikram (1pm CST) and a panel discussion perfect for getting into archaeology while you are staying at home: Digital Archaeology for a Virtual World (4pm CST).
Click here for additional information and registration links.
Remember that our calendar of lectures (and this announcement!) is posted on our website, All announcements and notification of lectures will continue to come to you via email. Our next virtual society lecture is January 31; details will be sent out in the coming weeks. If you know of someone else who is interested in attending, please have them email us at so they can be added to our e-newsletter list.
Enjoy, and I’ll see you all in 2021!
-Sarah J Scott